Session Description

Worship book for the 2006 Calvin Symposium on Worship. Includes outlines of six services based on Includes services based on Isaiah 43:1-3, Exodus 13:17-22, Isaiah 41, John 12:12-26, John 14:1-7, and John 14:25-31. The services follow a theme taken from the final words of Jesus to his disciples before he ascended into heaven. The Gospel according to Matthew ends with this promise of Jesus: "And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age."

This promise was not new--Scripture records that promise many times, which is why Jesus used the word "remember." Indeed, every time the people of God gather for worship, we meet to "remember and believe" that God is with us still, in our lives, in our world, and as an active participant in that very service. When we meet for worship, Christ is in our midst, the great High Priest, through the Holy Spirit opening our hearts to hear God speak to us, and bringing our imperfect worship perfectly before the Father as an acceptable sacrifice of praise to our triune God.

Conference Title

2006 Calvin Symposium on Worship

Event Date


Event Type

Worship Service/Concert

Type (recording/text)


Service Type

Service of the Word (and Table)

Subject Area



Worship Planning

Upload Date

26-1-2006 12:00 AM


Jan 26th, 12:00 AM

Worship Book - 2006 Calvin Symposium on Worship

Worship book for the 2006 Calvin Symposium on Worship. Includes outlines of six services based on Includes services based on Isaiah 43:1-3, Exodus 13:17-22, Isaiah 41, John 12:12-26, John 14:1-7, and John 14:25-31. The services follow a theme taken from the final words of Jesus to his disciples before he ascended into heaven. The Gospel according to Matthew ends with this promise of Jesus: "And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age."

This promise was not new--Scripture records that promise many times, which is why Jesus used the word "remember." Indeed, every time the people of God gather for worship, we meet to "remember and believe" that God is with us still, in our lives, in our world, and as an active participant in that very service. When we meet for worship, Christ is in our midst, the great High Priest, through the Holy Spirit opening our hearts to hear God speak to us, and bringing our imperfect worship perfectly before the Father as an acceptable sacrifice of praise to our triune God.


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