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02 Editorial Lisa Van Arragon; 06 Psuedo-Humility #1, #2, #3, #4, #5Michelle Vondiziano; 08 Yellow Spot of Light Becca Morrison; 10 Tawas State Park, Surf Riding Abby Leja; 12 Untitled Nick Zondervan; 13 Hotel Haven Nathan Sytsma, Back Ann Reilly; 14 Interception Kevin Buist, Michelle Vondiziano, Raleigh Chadderdon, Juan Garcia; 16 Reflections on Faith and UpbringingMatt Jensen, Distance Kirk Stewart; 17 Shafts into the Dark Jonathan Hiskes, La Armonfa del Mar Adam Petty; 18 Untitled Kasarian Dane; 20 Lost and Found Emily C. DiFrisco; 22 Untitled Jevon van Vliet; 25 Untitled Peter Dewey; 26 Untitled Lindsay Goodyk; 27 Full Moon with Icicles Mark Speyers; 28 Judgement Day Peter J. Berghoef, Imitation of a W. S. Merwin Poem, Erin Bryant Give Me a Bomb Peter J. Berghoef; 29 Moments Audrey Befus, I Haven't Seen the Ganges, But Here's What the Concord Told Me Jonathan Hiskes; 30 Mexican Stand-off Raleigh Chadderdon; 31 Day Dreamer Sarah Wengers; 32 Kids Unlocking Jonathan Hiskes; 34 Coronet Super 12 Inundate Winter Edward Westerhuis; 38 Notre Dame Cathedral: Paris, FranceParque Guell: Barcelona, Spain David Maida; 40 Highlands Ranch, CORichard Coe; 41 A Toothpick Requiem Mary Herrema; 42 Untitled Meagan Luhrs; 46 Untitled Juan Garcia; 48 Valediction Gretchen Lemmer, Looking for the Big Score Matt Jensen; 49 Doing Church Thomas B. Phulery; 50 Untited Matt Jensen; 51 Untitled Pete Dewey; 52 List of Contributers
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Kevin Buist
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Staff and writers of Dialogue, "Dialogue" (2004). Dialogue. 198.