Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy


Eric Metaxas


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In a decidedly eclectic career, Eric Metaxas has written for Veggie Tales, served as writer and editor for Chuck Colson’s Breakpoint, and written for the New York Time s. He is a best-selling author whose biographies, children’s books, and works of popular apologetics have been translated into Albanian, Portuguese, Spanish, Korean, and Macedonian. He is the founder and host of Socrates in the City: Conversations o n the Examined Life, a monthly event of entertaining and thought-provoking discussions on “life, God, and other small topics” held in New York City. He is a frequent cultural commentator on CNN and the Fox News Channel and he has been featured on many radio programs, including NPR’s Morning Edition, Talk of the Nation and others. He is the author of two highly acclaimed biographies Amazing Grace: William Wilberforce and the Heroic Campaign to End Slavery and Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy.

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