Streaming Media
Session Description
“Universal design” is now standard for architecture: we don’t want to retrofit buildings to make them accessible, we want to build them that way from the start. What would it look like for this vision to be extended to the worship services we plan and lead? What if we didn’t need to retrofit our planning to be accommodating to persons at all levels of ability and disability, but planned them that way from the start?
Conference Title
2016 Calvin Symposium on Worship
Event Date
Event Type
Type (recording/text)
Subject Area
Disability Inclusion/Universal Design
Accessibility, Ability, Planning
Recommended Citation
Newman, Barbara J., "Universal Design for Worship" (2016). Symposium on Worship Archive. 23.
Included in
Universal Design for Worship
“Universal design” is now standard for architecture: we don’t want to retrofit buildings to make them accessible, we want to build them that way from the start. What would it look like for this vision to be extended to the worship services we plan and lead? What if we didn’t need to retrofit our planning to be accommodating to persons at all levels of ability and disability, but planned them that way from the start?