Visual Liturgy: Illuminating Worship Spaces with Technology

Stephen Proctor, ILLUMINATE

Session Description

The advent of modern technology has opened a world of possibilities for creative worship. But many church leaders and artists are struggling with how to tastefully and artfully implement production without Sunday morning turning into a “show.” There is a tension to be explored here. In this seminar, we will talk about how to curate sacred spaces that illuminate rather than entertain. More specifically, we will look at examples of how visual media and technology can be used to care for our liturgical spaces.


Visual Liturgy: Illuminating Worship Spaces with Technology

The advent of modern technology has opened a world of possibilities for creative worship. But many church leaders and artists are struggling with how to tastefully and artfully implement production without Sunday morning turning into a “show.” There is a tension to be explored here. In this seminar, we will talk about how to curate sacred spaces that illuminate rather than entertain. More specifically, we will look at examples of how visual media and technology can be used to care for our liturgical spaces.