Why Peer Learning Matters for Pastors and Preachers

Duane Kelderman, Calvin Theological Seminary

Session Description

Each Monday morning preaching pastors are keenly aware that Sunday’s coming, and it’s coming fast. How can pastors sustain themselves in their preaching ministries in ways that are life-giving, formative, and relational—qualities that will not only strengthen the pastor but also the entire worshiping community? One encouraging practice is forming a pastor peer learning group. This session explores the benefits—some predictable, some surprising— that preaching pastors report from being members of such a group and the ways seminary programs are structuring peer groups as an effective pedagogical tool for life-long learning and ministerial health.


Why Peer Learning Matters for Pastors and Preachers

Each Monday morning preaching pastors are keenly aware that Sunday’s coming, and it’s coming fast. How can pastors sustain themselves in their preaching ministries in ways that are life-giving, formative, and relational—qualities that will not only strengthen the pastor but also the entire worshiping community? One encouraging practice is forming a pastor peer learning group. This session explores the benefits—some predictable, some surprising— that preaching pastors report from being members of such a group and the ways seminary programs are structuring peer groups as an effective pedagogical tool for life-long learning and ministerial health.