Called as Children, Called as Parents

Laura Kelly Fanucci, Collegeville Institute

Session Description

How can Sunday worship—congregations’ moment of greatest contact with most members— become a time and space for faith formation with families, especially those with young children? We’ll explore different ways to welcome children within churches, invite their participation in worship, pray for and with parents and children, and connect worship with family life at home. Practical ideas and recommended resources for pastors, children’s ministers, parents, and all who care for youth!


Called as Children, Called as Parents

How can Sunday worship—congregations’ moment of greatest contact with most members— become a time and space for faith formation with families, especially those with young children? We’ll explore different ways to welcome children within churches, invite their participation in worship, pray for and with parents and children, and connect worship with family life at home. Practical ideas and recommended resources for pastors, children’s ministers, parents, and all who care for youth!