
The apostle Peter came a long way in his discipleship over the years. As a disciple, Peter protested louder than anyone whenever his master, Jesus, talked about his need to suffer and die. Suffering could not possibly be part of the Messiah’s work! What the disciples needed was an upbeat message of inspiration to lead to victory over the powers that be. But by the time Peter wrote to his fellow Christians living in the earliest days of the church, he understood a new truth: suffering was not only key to the Messiah’s work, but is often a vital part of discipleship for those who follow Jesus as Savior and Lord. In his first letter, Peter addresses believers who were hard-pressed by suffering and persecution. At the 2020 Symposium on Worship, our five main worship services will ponder Peter’s words of comfort and challenge. As was true in the first century, so now in often difficult days of the twenty-first century we need Peter’s inspiring testimony to encourage us along our paths of discipleship.

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A Lion and a Donkey are Standing on the Road

Jeff Barker, Northwestern College

This vesper worship service includes an enactment of one of the most mysterious ancient Hebrew dramas. We focus initially on this biblical text, newly translated by Tom Boogaart. We embrace the text and then respond to it with music, prayer, testimony, and more scriptures.

A Living Hope: A Service of the Word on 1 Peter 1:3-9

Betsy DeVries, University of Toronto
Paul Ryan, Calvin University
Jonathan Hehn OSL, University of Notre Dame

A service from the 2020 Calvin Symposium on Worship led by Paul Ryan, the Calvin University Worship Apprentices, and Jonathan Hehn, with Betsy DeVries preaching on 1 Peter 1:3-9. View service playlist.

Living as Holy

Nicole Massie Martin
David M. Bailey, Arrabon
Urban Doxology
Noel Snyder, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
Northwestern Drama Ministries

A worship service from the 2020 Calvin Symposium on Worship led by David Bailey, Urban Doxology, Noel Snyder, and the Northwester Drama Ministries Ensemble, with Nicole Massie Martin preaching on 1 Peter 1:13-25.

Suffering for Living the Good

Jared E. Alcantara, Baylor University
Maria Monteiro, Baptist University of the Américas
Mariachi Ágape

A service of the Word and Table from the 2020 Calvin Symposium on Worship, including songs from the bilingual hymnal Santo, Santo, Santo led by Maria Monteiro and Mariachi Ágape, and preaching by Jared E. Alcántara on 1 Peter 3:8-11.