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Session Description

This subject is a study in process that is being examined by multiple denominations simultaneously. By "profession of faith" we mean the public event by which someone says to the congregation something about their spiritual journey, where they are and where they are traveling. In your timeline there are two certainties: if you are a Reformed Christian of the persuasion that we are, somewhere on the timeline will also be infant baptism, and our assumption is (though frequently not carried out as well as it should be) there is an education and growth and nurturing process that goes lifelong, though it begins after baptism. Somewhere there must be admission to the Lord's Table for fulfillment of one of the two sacraments. The question is, where does that happen?

Conference Title

2009 Calvin Symposium on Worship

Event Date


Event Type


Type (recording/text)


Subject Area



Spiritual Formation/Discipleship


spiritual growth, Lord's Table, profession



Profession of Faith: Can It Be Revitalizaed?

This subject is a study in process that is being examined by multiple denominations simultaneously. By "profession of faith" we mean the public event by which someone says to the congregation something about their spiritual journey, where they are and where they are traveling. In your timeline there are two certainties: if you are a Reformed Christian of the persuasion that we are, somewhere on the timeline will also be infant baptism, and our assumption is (though frequently not carried out as well as it should be) there is an education and growth and nurturing process that goes lifelong, though it begins after baptism. Somewhere there must be admission to the Lord's Table for fulfillment of one of the two sacraments. The question is, where does that happen?