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For over 35 years, the Calvin Symposium on Worship has annually gathered together worshipers from many Christian traditions across Canada, the US, and beyond, bringing together people from a variety of roles in worship and leadership, including pastors, worship planners and leaders, musicians, scholars, students, worship bands and teams, organists, visual artists, preachers, chaplains, missionaries, liturgists, council and session leaders, and more. Cosponsored by the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and the Center for Excellence in Preaching at Calvin University and Calvin Theological Seminary, the Symposium aims to encourage leaders in churches and worshiping communities of all sizes and settings.

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Baptism and Eucharist: Early Celebration and Practice

Joyce Ann Zimmerman

One thing, when we go back to the fourth century, it doesn't matter what communion or denomination you represent, because there was only one anyway. Having said that, however, it is very interesting, in the Roman Catholic tradition we have had a very precise way to do liturgy and sacraments. This wasn't always so. Our immediate history tends to dictate the whole history and that is not so. What I am presenting today I am extrapolating from oodles of documents that tend to give us these impressions.

Helping Your Pastor Become a Better Preacher: Tools for Those Tricky Conversations

Mary S. Hulst, Calvin Theological Seminary

These are things that I've done with church councils, individuals, and congregations that have wanted to assist their pastors in their preaching ministry. These are things I've picked up along the way.

Profession of Faith: Can It Be Revitalizaed?

Howard Vanderwell, Calvin Institute for Christian Worship

This subject is a study in process that is being examined by multiple denominations simultaneously. By "profession of faith" we mean the public event by which someone says to the congregation something about their spiritual journey, where they are and where they are traveling. In your timeline there are two certainties: if you are a Reformed Christian of the persuasion that we are, somewhere on the timeline will also be infant baptism, and our assumption is (though frequently not carried out as well as it should be) there is an education and growth and nurturing process that goes lifelong, though it begins after baptism. Somewhere there must be admission to the Lord's Table for fulfillment of one of the two sacraments. The question is, where does that happen?

Program - Calvin Symposium on Worship: Word, Music, Vision, Action

We wrote this welcome letter during Epiphany, remembering how the star of Bethlehem drew the Maji to the place where the Christ child lay. They came from the Middle East, possibly from Iraq, and they traveled to Bethlehem–troubled spots then and still now, occupied territories with terrible violence. They were looking for the newborn King, not knowing whom they were seeking, but following the star. We pray that each of you also came to seek the light of Christ, to offer him your gifts of praise, returning to Christ the gifts already received–in preaching, music, drama, visual arts, and hospitality. Whatever gifts God has given you, we pray that the light of Christ will illumine and develop them in you during this Symposium.

Our time together is so short. When it is time for you to return to your home churches and worshiping communities, we pray that the light of Christ will burn ever more brightly in your lives, and that we all become bright bearers of that light in and beyond the walls of our churches.

Teens and Worship: Encouraging Creative and Meaningful Worship with Teenagers

Sharon Veltema, Unity Christian High School

As I look at Unity Christian high school that I teach in, I really feel that our teens are into worship. I have worked at Unity to get our students involved in worship. Chapel at Unity Christian takes place four mornings a week. It lasts for about 15 minutes. We consider it to be our family devotions. It's a time when we gather as a group together basically every day. In a school setting, it is a set group of people, we are not attempting to bring the neighborhood in. Worship is a natural part of the school day. But it wasn't always this successful.

Worship, Suffering, and Justice

Setri Nyomi, World Alliance of Reformed Churches

Many of us here have ministries that touch on suffering. We hope to learn from one another in this workshop. I expect for us to engage one another in looking at some of the suffering situations there are, both on the personal level, but also at the community and national level. We will be looking at the relationship between that and worship, and how we can be inspired to be God's instruments in such situations of suffering.