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For over 35 years, the Calvin Symposium on Worship has annually gathered together worshipers from many Christian traditions across Canada, the US, and beyond, bringing together people from a variety of roles in worship and leadership, including pastors, worship planners and leaders, musicians, scholars, students, worship bands and teams, organists, visual artists, preachers, chaplains, missionaries, liturgists, council and session leaders, and more. Cosponsored by the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and the Center for Excellence in Preaching at Calvin University and Calvin Theological Seminary, the Symposium aims to encourage leaders in churches and worshiping communities of all sizes and settings.

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Program - Calvin Symposium on Worship: Word, Music, Vision, Action

We wrote this welcome letter during Epiphany, remembering how the star of Bethlehem drew the Maji to the place where the Christ child lay. They came from the Middle East, possibly from Iraq, and they traveled to Bethlehem–troubled spots then and still now, occupied territories with terrible violence. They were looking for the newborn King, not knowing whom they were seeking, but following the star. We pray that each of you also came to seek the light of Christ, to offer him your gifts of praise, returning to Christ the gifts already received–in preaching, music, drama, visual arts, and hospitality. Whatever gifts God has given you, we pray that the light of Christ will illumine and develop them in you during this Symposium.

Our time together is so short. When it is time for you to return to your home churches and worshiping communities, we pray that the light of Christ will burn ever more brightly in your lives, and that we all become bright bearers of that light in and beyond the walls of our churches.

Friday, January 30th
12:00 AM

2009 Postcard

Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

12:00 AM

Postcard advertising the 2009 Calvin Symposium on Worship

12:00 AM

2009 Worship Booklet

Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

12:00 AM

In the New Testament, the line "And he told them a parable ... " is as familiar and as redolent of promise as the line "Once upon a time ... " is in children's literature. Parables are the spine of Jesus' teachings, lending the gospel narratives strength and structure. Mark once went so far as to say that Jesus did not teach anything without telling a parable. So it is no surprise to find Matthew, Mark, and especially Luke chock-full of these intriguing stories. Yet we often forget their original impact. The New Testament scholar C.H. Dodd once proffered what has become a classic definition of a parable when Dodd said that a parable is a story, the meaning of which is sufficiently in doubt so as to tease the imagination into a new understanding. When we read the New Testament, there can be no doubting that Jesus' parables left most people, the disciples included, scratching their heads in confusion. Eugene Peterson describes parables as "narrative time bombs" that ticked away in people's hearts long after Jesus finished speaking, eventually exploding into an entirely new way of thinking about God, grace, and the kingdom. Today, however, we think we have the parables cased. They don't tease us into a new understanding, they don't confuse us or cause us to seek a new angle on our faith. Instead we read them to confirm what we think we already know. But perhaps those of us who plan and lead worship, who preach and teach, can find ways by the Spirit to revive Jesus' parabolic words. Perhaps even all these centuries later we, too, can be startled into a new appreciation for the glory that is gospel grace and for the wonder that is God's perpetually surprising kingdom. At this 2009 Symposium on Worship, we will use the imagination of skilled artists, the beauty of music, and the preached word to prod all of us who minister in the church to find fresh and vibrant ways to revive the intrigue of Jesus' parables. The Church lives off the nourishment of Word and sacrament. Whenever the words of Jesus come to us anew and with something of their original punch, we feast richly at the great banquet table of grace to which we are invited over and again each time we read the words, "And he told them a parable..."

This Worship booklet for the 2009 Calvin Symposium on Worship contains outlines for six services based on parables.

12:00 AM

A Firm Foundation: Biblical Principles of Worship

Ron Man

12:00 AM

It is critical that churches base their worship practices upon unchanging, foundational principles from God’s Word. We need a common understanding of what dare not change from church to church, culture to culture, century to century—even while we celebrate the rich diversity of expression which God delights in and which the New Testament allows for. Twelve principles will be presented as a scriptural framework for thinking about, preaching and teaching on, and planning and leading corporate worship.

12:00 AM

A Theological Understanding of the Liturgy as the Work of the Spirit

Simon Chan

12:00 AM

The intimate connection between the Spirit and the Church has deep roots in Christian tradition, such that the liturgy, i.e., "the work of the people" is also the work of the Spirit. This presentation will explore the relationship of the Spirit to the liturgy in terms of the Trinitarian economy and the Orthodox doctrine of synergy.

12:00 AM

Autism and Your Church

Barbara J. Newman, All Belong Center for Inclusive Education

12:00 AM

If your church is larger than 150 people, statistics say that you have members who fall on the Autism Spectrum (including Asperger Syndrome). Come find out some basic information about Autism Spectrum Disorders as well as many practical ideas you can use in adult and children's worship settings to increase participation and understanding.

12:00 AM

Baptism and Eucharist: Early Celebration and Practice

Joyce Ann Zimmerman

12:00 AM

Going "back to the sources" can tell us much about worship practices. This workshop will trace the first four centuries of Christian celebration and practice of Baptism and Eucharist. There will be a special focus on the early church's understanding of conversion, the experience of the catechumens, how the sacraments were first celebrated and understood, and the meaning of the many gestures and symbols used.

12:00 AM

Better Together: The Call for People with and without Disabilities to Worship, Serve, Learn, and Live Alongside Each Other

Erik W. Carter

12:00 AM

Across the country, churches are discovering their incredible capacity to welcome and weave people with developmental disabilities and their families into the life of their congregation. Such churches speak vividly about the ways their worship and ministry have been transformed by very simple gestures of hospitality and inclusion. This presentation will address practical ways congregations can have a real impact on the lives of people with disabilities and their families living in their community and to make worship more accessible to everyone.

12:00 AM

Contextualizing Worship: My journey to worship God as a Navajo Christian,

Mark Charles

12:00 AM

When the first Christian Missionaries came to the Navajo people they unfortunately brought more than the Gospel. They also brought the message that God could only be worshiped through the Western culture. This workshop will contain a collection of stories and lessons learned as I journey to understand what it means to be Navajo and Christian.

12:00 AM

Conversations Between Worship Leaders and Worship Technicians

Cindy Baron de Jong, Calvin College

12:00 AM

We will address some of the wonderful possibilities of working well together as well as some of the pitfalls in the assumptions we make about sound in worship.

12:00 AM

Creating Scripts from the Bible

Dale Savidge

12:00 AM

The Bible is a rich source of dramatic material for worship. From medieval tropes to contemporary sketches we’ll survey the ways people have adapted scripture for performance and then we’ll form groups and create original scripture plays. You’ll gain experience with adaptation and leave with a script you can direct next Sunday!

12:00 AM

Cultivating a Deep Love for Scripture

Kevin Adams

12:00 AM

Shaped by a lifetime of images and values from a culture where God is pushed to the side, people often add biblical knowledge to quips from Dr. Phil, themes of pop song lyrics, and family proverbs, forming a stew of beliefs. To help form a biblical worldview, we saturated our congregation with a rhythm of scripture memorization that has become a key component of spiritual formation. Come and learn how this practice has transformed us and our worship.

12:00 AM

Getting Past the Fish: The Book of Jonah for Christian Worship

Carol Bechtel, Western Theological Seminary

12:00 AM

The book of Jonah is replete with themes near to the heart of Christian life, worship, and witness. This workshop will explore ways to get beyond the “fish thing” so that the people of God can listen in sermons for themes like grace, tolerance, humility, and mission.

12:00 AM

Good Preaching Takes Good Elders

Howard Vanderwell, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

12:00 AM

When preachers and churches talk about improving the quality of preaching, many approaches are considered, but one is frequently missing: the participation of elders. This workshop explores both the why and how questions of involving elders in supporting and encouraging preachers in their congregations.

12:00 AM

Helping Children Understand the Psalms

Robert Keeley, Calvin College

12:00 AM

The Psalms have been a great source of inspiration for generations of Christians but children seldom get the chance to interact with more than a handful of Psalms in a meaningful way. This session will explore how we can help children do this and why it matters.

12:00 AM

Helping Your Pastor Become a Better Preacher: Tools for Those Tricky Conversations

Mary S. Hulst, Calvin Theological Seminary

12:00 AM

Can we be both truthful and kind in our evaluations of our preachers? Sure, but it takes some finesse, shared goals, and a good sense of humor from all involved. Come and learn how to help your preacher! A great seminar for elders and others who work closely with the preacher.

12:00 AM

Improvisation: A Conversation about Pastoral Excellence

David Wood

12:00 AM

This workshop will explore how and why the capacity for improvisation is as fundamental to excellence in ministry as it is to excellence in jazz.

12:00 AM

Jesus: Our Worship Leader

Ron Man

12:00 AM

A pastor cannot not lead us into God's presence. Nor can a worship leader or a Christian artist, or a song, or singing. Not even worship can lead us into God's presence. Only Jesus can, through the power of the Holy Spirit. This seminar will explore the wonderful truth that when we gather, our living Lord is present and active in our midst--empowering, perfecting and leading our worship. We will see that behind all true worship, regardless of its form or style, is the present mediating ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ.

12:00 AM

Leadership and Communication

Duane Kelderman, Calvin Theological Seminary

12:00 AM

Good leadership is more than good communication, but never less. Listening, empathy, helping, and learning are some of the most natural--and effective--ways we can lead and empower others to lead in the church. Come for ideas and encouragement aimed at pastors, elders, and other congregational leaders.

12:00 AM

Leadership from Inside Out

Wesley Granberg-Michaelson

12:00 AM

Leadership at any level and in any setting requires people of character who are capable of creating trust, identifying values, and sustaining vision. This is true in congregations, classes, boards, and agencies. Join RCA general secretary Wes Granberg-Michaelson in exploring congregational leadership that is built on and extends from the inner spiritual lives of leaders, and explore how this relates to the dynamics of organizational change. Wes will draw from his book Leadership from Inside Out for this interactive time altogether.

12:00 AM

Mentoring Musicians

Greg Scheer

12:00 AM

How can we change our leadership paradigm from directing people to helping them grow? Greg Scheer's story of mentoring and being mentored is a launching point for a discussion of how we can best nurture those who are involved in our worship ministries for the good of God's kingdom.

12:00 AM

Moving from Text to Subtext

Craig Barnes

12:00 AM

When preachers look deep inside a passage of scripture to find their own congregations, their sermons are transformed from talking about the text to revealing the Word of God for their people. This seminar offers practical tools for finding the subtext of both the Bible and the congregation.

12:00 AM

Multi-Media Preaching: Body, Voice, Sound, Screen

Mary Hulst, Calvin College
Quentin Schultze, Calvin College

12:00 AM

A key part of preaching is having something to say. Another key part is saying it well. In this session we'll look at how both "old" (body, voice, dress) and "new" (videos, images, slides) media can be used for effective pulpit communication. Come with your best ideas ready to share, or some great questions you'd like discussed. Rookies, Luddites, and Techies all welcome!

12:00 AM

Postmodernism, Worship, and Evangelism

James K.A. Smith

12:00 AM

While we often associate “postmodernism” with the explosion of communications technology or the outlandish claims of “deconstruction,” this workshop will suggest that postmodernism might also mean a return to symbols, icons, and ritual. With this in mind, we’ll explore the shape of worship as evangelism in postmodernity.

12:00 AM

Prayer in the Life of a Third Millennium Monastery: What We're Learning

Jenn Tendero
Tony Tendero

12:00 AM

Members of the community will focus on stories from the first year of the Stockbridge Boiler Room, a simple Christian community that practices a daily rhythm of prayer, study and celebration while caring actively for the poor and the lost. Participants will be invited to share their experiences with prayer as part of the conversation.

12:00 AM

Preaching as Celebration

Frank Thomas

12:00 AM

Join Frank Thomas for a workshop about preaching as celebration.

12:00 AM

Preaching to Expose the Principalities and Powers

Marva Dawn

12:00 AM

Church leaders and other saints in our congregations frequently find themselves struggling with money, technology, politics, the institutional church, etc. -- what the Bible calls "principalities and powers." This workshop will help us understand them better and then will focus on what preachers can do to equip congregants to expose, disarm, and stand against the powers.

12:00 AM

Profession of Faith: Can It Be Revitalizaed?

Howard Vanderwell, Calvin Institute for Christian Worship

12:00 AM

Our faith formation is marked by certain milestones. One such milestone is public profession of faith or confirmation. When this occurs might vary, but at whatever age, this milestone needs to be vital. We'll explore how to recapture a sense of privilege, make it a celebration, and the importance of regularly reaffirming it.

12:00 AM

Rediscovering the Lord’s Supper: Growing Deeper into the Gospel

Todd Billings, Western Theological Seminary

12:00 AM

A renewed theology and practice of the Lord’s Supper can help believers grow into a deeper and multi-faceted vision of salvation. Come and explore the ways in which the Lord’s Supper illuminates the gospel as participation in Christ by the Spirit.

12:00 AM

Science on Sunday

Scott Hoezee, Calvin Theological Seminary

12:00 AM

In most churches, preachers and worship leaders generally avoid science in their sermons and liturgies. At most, preachers may spar with science, challenging its alleged refutations of the Bible and the faith and so leaving the impression that science is the enemy of the church. In this workshop Scott Hoezee will suggest that science can be an excellent partner for preachers in celebrating the gifts and wonders of God that come to us in the handiwork of God's good creation. The workshop will explore reasons science is a partner in ministry, not a threat to it, and how preachers and worship leaders can use science more positively in their teaching and preaching.

12:00 AM

Second Life: New Creations

Steve Prince

12:00 AM

In this hands-on workshop, participants will delve into the limitless process of multi-colored mono-prints, working with various found objects that are considered to be dead or discarded and imbue/resurrect them with life through the creative process, thus making a "new creation" (2 Corinthians 5:17).

12:00 AM

Standards for Excellence in Worship

Paul Ryan

12:00 AM

Worship planners and leaders often speak of excellence in worship. What are these standards and who determines them? In this session we will discuss common standards of excellence and consider an alternative standard that will bring grace, vitality and joy to planners, leaders, and worshippers.

12:00 AM

Teens and Worship: Encouraging Creative and Meaningful Worship with Teenagers

Sharon Veltema, Unity Christian High School

12:00 AM

Practical suggestions, strategies, and resources to encourage vibrant, meaningful worship with teens will be presented. We will also discuss the culture of worship among teens – what encourages teens to be excited about worshipping together on a daily basis? Ideas that have worked, and some that have not worked, will be discussed. This session is geared towards anyone involved with worship and teens.

12:00 AM

The Great Banquet

Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

12:00 AM

Worship book for a service based on the parable of The Great Banquet.

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The Laborers in the Vineyard

Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

12:00 AM

Worship book for a service based on the parable of The Laborers in the Vineyard.

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The Persistent Widow

Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

12:00 AM

Worship book for a service based on the parable of The Persistent Widow.

12:00 AM

The Pharisee and the Tax Collector

Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

12:00 AM

Worship book for a service based on the parable of The Pharisee and the Tax Collector.

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The Prodigal

Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

12:00 AM

Worship book for a service based on the parable of The Prodigal.

12:00 AM

The Sower

Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

12:00 AM

Worship book for a service based on the parable of The Sower.

12:00 AM

Too Deep for Words? Preaching in the Language of the Spirit

Luke A. Powery, Duke University

12:00 AM

This session will explore the possibility of discerning the presence of the Holy Spirit in preaching and then discuss some manifestations of the Spirit in sermons, particularly focusing on the expressions of lament and celebration.

12:00 AM

Why Read Abraham Kuyper (1837-1920) on Worship?

Harry Boonstra, Calvin College

12:00 AM

Abraham Kuyper’s accomplishments were many and he had a stellar career. He served as pastor, theologian, founder of the Free University in Amsterdam, chief organizer of a Calvinist political party, prime minister of the Netherlands. He is, however, less well-known for another major contribution—his writings on worship and liturgy which are still relevant for the church today and have just appeared in English translation as Our Worship (Eerdmans, 2008).

12:00 AM

Worship in the Early Church: Unity in Diversity

Young Richard Kim

12:00 AM

As much as worship practices vary across churches, denominations, and cultures in our modern world, the ancient church was also full of diverse (and sometimes conflicting) approaches to worship. This seminar will explore the history of worship in the early church in the hope that we might learn about, accept, and apply different attitudes and practices in our own times.

12:00 AM

Worship Planning for Established or Emerging Congregations: Similarities and Differences

Sam Hamstra

12:00 AM

After planning worship with established congregations for twenty-five years, Hamstra has begun doing the same for a multi-ethnic church plant. He will reflect on the similarities and differences of worship planning in both contexts and identify over-arching biblical principles for designing worship that apply to them both.

12:00 AM

Worship Renewal in the Latin American Context

Gerardo Oberman, Reformed Churches in Argentina
Horacio Vivares

12:00 AM

Slides from a plenary address called "Worship Renewal in the Latin American Context" at the 2009 Calvin Symposium on Worship.

12:00 AM

Worship that Changes Lives: The Next Dimension

Alexis Abernethy

12:00 AM

This workshop highlights how our understanding of transformational worship experiences is deepened through a study of worship that included the narratives of church members. Drawing on the insights that are summarized in the book, Worship that Changes Lives, participants are encouraged to reflect on the relational dimension of their worship experiences.

12:00 AM

Worship that Renews the Me and Transforms the Us

Jonathan Bradford
Jim Dekker
Rose Dekker

12:00 AM

Christians are to be hearers and doers of the word. We pursue meaningful worship, meanwhile the business of worship is often measured by the number of coffee bars and size of parking lots. But what about urban schools graduating illiterate teenagers? Or prisons bursting at their seams? Or untold millions die from war, hunger, or disease? Worship must heal these wounds. Drawing from their diverse ministry experience Jim and Rose Dekker (Latin American ecumenical and spiritual direction) and Jonathan Bradford (US urban) will explore the biblical concepts of knowing Christ the servant and serving Christ the Sovereign Lord. All of life must really be worship.

12:00 AM

Worship Words: An Overview, a Walk-Through, and a How-To

Debra Rienstra, Calvin College
Ron Rienstra, Western Theological Seminary

12:00 AM

The authors of the featured symposium book Worship Words introduce this practical guide to faithful, fitting, and vivid language in all aspects of worship. We will explore a sample chapter, trying out examples, exercises, and discussion questions in order to model how the book might be used in congregations or classrooms.

12:00 AM

Worship, Suffering, and Justice

Setri Nyomi, World Alliance of Reformed Churches

12:00 AM

This workshop explores the phenomenon of vibrant worship in communities in which there is much suffering, and engages participants in discussions around meaningful worship in such settings. It will also explore how social justice can be part of worship while keeping the focus on God.