Event Participant(s)

Mark Charles


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Session Description

When the first Christian Missionaries came to the Navajo people they unfortunately brought more than the Gospel. They also brought the message that God could only be worshiped through the Western culture. This workshop will contain a collection of stories and lessons learned as I journey to understand what it means to be Navajo and Christian.

Conference Title

2009 Calvin Symposium on Worship

Event Date


Event Type


Type (recording/text)



Culturally-Contextual Worship


contextualizing worship, Navajo Christian

Upload Date

30-1-2009 12:00 AM


Jan 30th, 12:00 AM

Contextualizing Worship: My journey to worship God as a Navajo Christian,

When the first Christian Missionaries came to the Navajo people they unfortunately brought more than the Gospel. They also brought the message that God could only be worshiped through the Western culture. This workshop will contain a collection of stories and lessons learned as I journey to understand what it means to be Navajo and Christian.