Event Participant(s)

Ron Man


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Session Description

It is critical that churches base their worship practices upon unchanging, foundational principles from God’s Word. We need a common understanding of what dare not change from church to church, culture to culture, century to century—even while we celebrate the rich diversity of expression which God delights in and which the New Testament allows for. Twelve principles will be presented as a scriptural framework for thinking about, preaching and teaching on, and planning and leading corporate worship.

Conference Title

2009 Calvin Symposium on Worship

Event Date


Event Type


Type (recording/text)


Subject Area



Worship Planning



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30-1-2009 12:00 AM


Jan 30th, 12:00 AM

A Firm Foundation: Biblical Principles of Worship

It is critical that churches base their worship practices upon unchanging, foundational principles from God’s Word. We need a common understanding of what dare not change from church to church, culture to culture, century to century—even while we celebrate the rich diversity of expression which God delights in and which the New Testament allows for. Twelve principles will be presented as a scriptural framework for thinking about, preaching and teaching on, and planning and leading corporate worship.