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Northwest Science


Though regeneration of Garry oak (Quercus garryana) seedlings within Garry oak ecosystems is important to maintain this threatened habitat, seedling regeneration is often poor. Two independent studies were initiated in the early 2000s to examine questions surrounding Garry oak recruitment: one at the Crow's Nest Ecological Research Area (CNERA) on Salt Spring Island, BC, and another at the Pacific Rim Institute for Environmental Stewardship (PRI) on Whidbey Island, WA. In both areas, Garry oak seedlings were caged and monitored for growth and relative health. Over 8 years at CNERA, growth of caged plants outpaced growth of controls, which was indicative of high browsing pressure and relatively high palatability of Garry oak seedlings to black-tailed deer and feral sheep. The PRI oaks grew more slowly and at four PRI sites survival was 30-50% over 5-6 years as compared to 90% survival at CNERA over 8 years. The mortality at PRI was likely due to a combination of dry summer conditions and large numbers of voles, which took advantage of the cages for protection from predators; furthermore, lack of mycorrhizal hosts could have inhibited seedling establishment. Weed block inside exclosure cages provided ideal nesting conditions for voles. This study demonstrated that the caging of Garry oak seedlings, although labor-intensive and requiring frequent maintenance, provides valuable protection from large ungulate browsers and can be maintained as a relatively long-term measure, but vigilance is required to protect young seedlings from other threats such as voles or competing vegetation. © 2011 by the Northwest Scientific Association. All rights reserved.

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