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This essay addresses the problem “What are the ethical implications from a biblical perspective as technological changes reshape stakeholder relationships?” It characterizes the effects of technological change upon stakeholder relationships in microeconomic terms, so that various technologies can be understood in terms of their implications. It then describes the Christian ethical concept of “shalom,” and explores some of its implications for stakeholder relationships with biblical grounding. It next explores the microeconomic stakeholder implications of technological change in terms of shalom. It finally discusses moral imagination as a practical technique for understanding the ethical implications of a novel situation, envisioning practical and moral alternatives, and selecting an optimal alternative. This essay contributes to Christian business ethics by applying an exegetical approach to shalom to a class of contemporary business ethics problems (i.e., technological innovation), thereby overcoming the hermeneutical distance between the horizons of Scripture and contemporary business technology. It also contributes to Christian management practice by specifying a practical approach to identifying and solving ethical problems posed by technological innovation.
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Recommended Citation
Stansbury, Jason. 2018. Shalom and Moral Imagination for Business Technologists. Christian Business Review, 7: 30-39.