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So begins The Divine Comedy, a classic meditation on the Christian life, written by Dante Alighieri in the fourteenth century. Dante’s three images—a journey, a dark forest, and a perplexed pilgrim—still feel familiar today, don’t they? We can readily imagine our own lives as a series of journeys, not just the big journey from birth to death, but also all the little trips from home to school, from school to job, from place to place, from old friends to new. In fact, we often feel we are simultaneously on multiple journeys that tug us in diverse and sometimes opposing directions. We recognize those dark woods from fairy tales and nightmares and the all-too-real conundrums that crowd our everyday lives. No wonder we frequently feel perplexed. We wake up shaking our heads, unsure if we know how to live wisely today or tomorrow or next week

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The Church, Religious Persecution


Arts and Humanities | Religion | Religious Education


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The Church and Religious Persecution (Calvin Shorts)



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