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Questioning gentrification in the heartside communithy by Kathryn Mae Post
Distinguished alumni honored by Hannah Butler
Professors and staff bring Christian perspective to sex ed by Joshua Polanski
Calvin Improv introduced two new members by Emily Stroble
Urban Roots creates pilot composting community by Amelia Sterenberg
'An Evening with Jon Foreman' concert review by Ryan Leck
'Calender Girls' shows the true meaning of friendship at any age by Janelle Conti
Men's soccer shuts out Olivet 8-0 by Purun Yeo
'Star Wars' anthology gives life to unsee moments by Gwyneth Findlay
Sci Sit-Down: A Q&A with Prof. David Benson by David Fitch
Publication Date
Chimes, Calvin College
Higher Education | Journalism Studies
Recommended Citation
Calvin College, "Chimes: October 6, 2017" (2017). Chimes. 119.