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Wiebe and Joanna Boer sue Calvin for breach of contract, defamation by Savannah Shustack
Professors circulate petition to divest from Israel by Nolan Cowan
Board of Trustees selects chair of presidential search committee by Savannah Shustack
Smoke reported in CFAC due to mechanical failure by Liana Hirner & Ewan Parker
Moving out: Not for every student by Ashley Hamons
Calvin Esports looks to build off first tournament win by Dillion Baumchen
Proposal for Calvin "Center for Faith and Technology" in the works by Jacob Westra
How far is too far? Manifestation cleverly handles questions of success and achievement by Maya Oeverman
Publication Date
Chimes, Calvin University
Higher Education | Journalism Studies
Recommended Citation
Calvin University, "Chimes: April 15, 2024" (2024). Chimes. 250.