A collection of devotions written by Dale Cooper for the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship web resource library in 2010-2014. In July of 2010, Coop described the series this way:
In this column I hope to explore each week a facet of corporate Christian worship—that is, what do Christians do together when they congregate on Sunday morning before God's face? I also want to examine why Christians do these things. Why have followers of Jesus, week after week, and for generations and centuries around the whole world, kept up some fairly regular and similar practices? They do them, I'll suggest, for three reasons: 1) to recall their identity—to remind themselves who they are and to whom they belong; 2) to reaffirm what they believe; 3) to reset their direction—to reorient themselves, and to re-pledge to their aims for living.
I want these weekly articles to teach. Worshiping God worthily demands careful thinking about what we're doing, and why. I also hope that they encourage. Accordingly, as I write each one, I shall offer a prayer that what I write and you read equips us to live more faithfully and as God intends.
I hope that how I write creates a "kitchen-table conversation" atmosphere between us. Let's pretend that we're having coffee or a Pepsi together, and that each of us is warmly open to listen to and explore the thoughts each of us has about some things that really matter to both of us—namely, how best to worship our God together.
So, I'll present a few thoughts, and invite you to respond with some of your own. Let's pray that, along the way, Christ's Spirit prompts you and me to commit as much as we know about ourselves to as much as we know about God, with the confident hope that we'll each be led to discover more about both him and ourselves.
With warm good wishes, and in our Lord Jesus,
Dale Cooper
July 26, 2010
Submissions from 2014
The Wardrobe of Easter: Compassion, Dale Cooper
The Wardrobe of Easter: Kindness, Dale Cooper
The Wardrobe of Easter: Humility, Dale Cooper
The Wardrobe of Easter: Gentleness, Dale Cooper
The Wardrobe of Easter: Patience, Dale Cooper
The Wardrobe of Easter: Forgiveness, Dale Cooper
The Wardrobe of Easter: Love, Dale Cooper
The Wardrobe of Easter: Peace, Dale Cooper
The Wardrobe of Easter: Gratitude, Dale Cooper
The Wardrobe of Easter: Dwelling Together in God's Word, Dale Cooper
The Wardrobe of Easter: Learning God's Word, Dale Cooper
The Wardrobe of Easter: Teaching God's Word, Dale Cooper
The Wardrobe of Easter: Singing Together, Dale Cooper
The Wardrobe of Easter: Centering in Jesus, Dale Cooper
The Wardrobe of Easter: White-Hot with Purpose, Dale Cooper
Submissions from 2013
Living Under the Influence: Simplicity of Spirit, Adult in Knowledge, Childlike in Directness and Wonder, Dale Cooper
Living Under the Influence: Generous Humility and Compassion: A Servant Spirit, Dale Cooper
Living Under the Influence: Self-Searching and Self-Denial: A Servant Spirit, Dale Cooper
Living Under the Influence: Longing to Delight and Honor God, Dale Cooper
Living Under the Influence: Worshipful Intimacy with Jesus Christ, Dale Cooper
Living Under the Influence: Eager Desire to Trust and Obey the Bible, God's Spirit-Inspired Word, Dale Cooper
Living Under the Influence: Vivid Awareness of the Greatness and Goodness of God, Dale Cooper
Living Under the Influence: God Present and Active, Dale Cooper
Risen with Jesus, Dale Cooper
Risen Indeed, Dale Cooper
Jesus Condemned and Crucified, Dale Cooper
The Lord's Example, the Teacher's Command, Dale Cooper
Royally Welcomed, Dale Cooper
A Beautiful Gesture, A Fragrant Gift, Dale Cooper
Will You Go With Him?, Dale Cooper
Unswervingly Resolute, Dale Cooper
As Alert as Possible, Dale Cooper
Submissions from 2012
Waiting According to His Promise, Dale Cooper
A Thankful People, Dale Cooper
Pentecost, Dale Cooper
The Radiant Preciousness of Jesus: Life Stronger Than Death, Dale Cooper
The Radiant Preciousness of Jesus: The Cross 'Of First Importance', Dale Cooper
The Radiant Preciousness of Jesus: Mouths to Taste, Lips to Declare, Dale Cooper
The Radiant Preciousness of Jesus: Hands to Worship and Embrace the One We Crucified, Dale Cooper
The Radiant Preciousness of Jesus: Feet to Follow Jesus, Dale Cooper
The Radiant Preciousness of Jesus: Ears to Hear, Hearts to Obey, Dale Cooper
The Radiant Preciousness of Jesus: Eyes to Behold Our Savior's Grandeur, Dale Cooper
The Radiant Preciousness of Jesus: Series Introduction, Dale Cooper
Creation's Choir Sings Hymns of Praise, Dale Cooper
All Your Wonderous Works Proclaim, Dale Cooper
Submissions from 2011
Spirit at Work: Guarantor, Dale Cooper
Spirit at Work: Sender, Dale Cooper
Spirit at Work: Engifter, Dale Cooper
Spirit at Work: Assurer, Dale Cooper
Spirit at Work: The Transformer's Instruments, Dale Cooper
Spirit at Work: The Transformer's Aim, Dale Cooper
Spirit at Work: Transformer, Dale Cooper
Spirit at Work: Guide, Dale Cooper
Spirit at Work: Revealer, Dale Cooper
Spirit at Work: Protector, Dale Cooper
Spirit at Work: Illuminator, Dale Cooper
Spirit at Work: Exceptional, Dale Cooper
Spirit at Work: Power to Make Our Lives Anew, Dale Cooper
Not as Orphans, Dale Cooper
Designed to the Inheritance of Jesus, Dale Cooper
He Shall Come Again, Dale Cooper
He Sits at God's Right Hand, Dale Cooper
He Ascended to Heaven, Dale Cooper
Risen Indeed, Dale Cooper
So Marred, So Beautiful, Dale Cooper
Submissions from 2010
God Wearing Skin, Dale Cooper
No Mother Half So Mild, Dale Cooper
Father-Like He Tends and Spares Us, Dale Cooper
Cultivating Attentiveness, Dale Cooper
Craving to be Adored, Dale Cooper
Belonging, Dale Cooper
Prone to Wander, Dale Cooper
Glorify the Lord with Me, Dale Cooper
Declaration of Dependence, Dale Cooper
A Heart-Stoppingly Grand Invitation, Dale Cooper
Jesus Yes--Church Yes!, Dale Cooper
Simply Fellow Strugglers, Dale Cooper
O!, Dale Cooper
God Everlasting!, Dale Cooper
There I Have Pledged to Set My Foot, Too, Dale Cooper