Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

First Reader

Richard A. Muller

Second Reader

Lyle D. Bierma

Third Reader

Henry Zwaanstra

Fourth Reader

Aza Goudriaan


Some scholars have identified a certain amount of vagueness in continuity theses of scholarship regarding medieval, Reformation, and post-Reformation thought. A criterion of continuity is necessary in order to prosecute a continuity thesis. One way to root intellectual history within a particular social context over time is to examine a conceptual framework as it develops, changes, and even declines within an academic institution like an early modern university. Institutional continuity is a methodological approach that seeks to clarify the relationship between continuity, influence, confessionalization and deconfessionalization diachronically within an institutional context of an early modern university. The test case for this method is the prolegomenal framework of Franciscus Junius, as first propounded in De Theologia Vera (1594) and developed by various theologians at Leiden University, but especially as it was deployed by Bernhardinus De Moor in his seven volume Commentarius Perpetuus during his tenure as a theology professor at Leiden (1745-1779). This dissertation examines that prolegomenal framework in light of the pedagogical methods employed through lectures, disputations, and published works. Bernhardinus De Moor also deploys this prolegomenal framework thematically in his academic orations delivered first upon assuming the chair of theology and second as a valedictorian address at the close of his tenure as rector magnificus. A subsidiary point in the De Theologia Vera, the theologia viatorum, also is examined in terms of how it constructs the relationship between faith and reason, methodological doubt, natural and supernatural revelation, the necessity of Scripture, and academic theology as a form of scholastic piety.



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