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2 Ryan Weberling and Miranda Brouwer Editorial; 4 sean vrieland avocado and tomato on knackebrod Jack Kielstra and Amanda Pheeney A Bit About My Friend, Garlic; 5 Jacob Eizenga An Overripe Catharsis, Hope Velthouse Peanut Butter Chex Mix; 8 Jirn Hayes Food, Food, Everywhere, and Not a Bite to Eat; 9 Arielle Fischer Untitled Diptych; 11 Asa Forsythe The Doughnut Not Eaten; 12 Ryan Weberling The Ingredients (Found Poem); 14 Students for Compassionate Living Vegan Veggie Burgers "a la Brooks"; or, how to feed a lot of people with a little money; 15 Johnathan Lovelace A Vision of the City, Asia Club and Joshua Earn Chicken Fried Rice; 16 Calvin Dining Services Spotlight on Michigan, Products and Sustainability Practices at Calvin Dining Services; 17 International Student Association Committee, Apple Strudel, Curried Meatballs in Spicy Coconut Rundown; 19 Matthew Halteman Excerpt from Compassionate Eating as Care of Creation; 21 International Student Association Committee, Boiled Yams/Rice With Palava Sauce; 22 Students for Compassionate Living Spicy Red - Lentil Dahl; 24 Middle East Club Middle East Feast; 25 Tabitha Speelman Book Review: Hungry Planet: What the World Eats; 26 Hope Velthouse Amor de la Mamitii; 27 Calvin Profiles; 29 Index (Local Sources of Nourishment); 30 Contributors' Notes
Visual Art
Cover untitled; 3 Lee Bolt untitled; 6 Jennifer Waid Friday Breakfast 2/15/08; 7 Eric Ebels Kale Soup; 10 Rachel deLange Offering; 11 Jennifer Waid Saturday Lunch 2/16/08; 13 Jennifer Waid Experimental Chilli; 18 Cassidhe Hard Curry; 20 Adam Wolpa From Compassionate Eating as Care of Creation; 23 n.r.g. rice potluck dish; 28 Kristen McHugh Untitled; Back possiblility space carrots
Publication Date
Total Pages
Miranda Brouwer
Co-Editor/Managing Editor 1
Ryan Weberling
Recommended Citation
Staff and writers of Dialogue, "Dialogue" (2008). Dialogue. 214.