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05 Kai Koopman, Those Shoulders on Which We Stand; 06 Joshua Brooker, The Straits of Youth; 07 Abby Koning, Snowdrops, Estuary; 08 Jonathan Hielkema, Plastics Conventions; 11 Kathleen O'Bannon, Godless Existentialist; 12 Chelsea Tanis, 1981 Two-Door Revolution; 33 Elizabeth Steiner, Cyanide; 34 Laura Sheppard, Time Lapse; 35 Sarah Bonthuis, The Space Between, Deliverance; 36 Josiah Majetich, On "Wild Swans at Coale"; 42 Sabrina Lee, Memory Keeper, Chinese Proverb; 44 Kai Koopman, Fourth Grade Art Class; 45 Jake Schepers, California Roll; 46 Josh deLacy, In the Leaving; 49 Josiah Kuiper, (Implications; 50 Leah Sienkowski, You Say Lots of Things, The House, Yesterday; 51 Michelle Jokisch, Plastic Little Covers; 53 Trenton Heil le, After Falling into the Sea; 53 Ben Rietema, Cinnamon; 54 Ae Hee Lee, Beauty; 58 Angela Dekoekkoek, lntercostals
09 Jacalyn Den Haan, Examination Room; 13 Drew Reichard, The Sky Is Empty Tonight; 37 Joshua Epperly, Commercial Break; 47 Michael Kelly, A Dog's Devotion; 52 Leah Jonker, Summer's Rain Dance; 55 Katerina Parsons, Fading
Visual Art
17 Mike Langeveld, Untitled; 18 Mike Langeveld, Untitled; 19 Karl Sparrman, Farfar, Farmar, Far; 20 Jonathan Lin, The World's a Harsh
Place; 21 Karl Sparrman, South Bound; 22 Ann Parkin, A Field at Sunset; 23 Laura Sheppard, In God's Sight; 24 Samantha Vanderberg, Sunday Morning 1; 25 Bjorn Sparrman, Bus from the Airport; 26 Bjorn Sparrman, Day of a Foreigner; 28 Jenny Swim, Steel Body; 30 Stephanie Kang, Munhwa (To Anyone); 32 Bridgette Kee hi, Paroxysm of Being Wakened
Publication Date
Patrick Hekman
Layout Editor 1
Andrew Fisher
Recommended Citation
Staff and writers of Dialogue, "Dialogue" (2012). Dialogue. 223.