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05 Robert Vander Lugt, My Puny Sacrifice; 08 Joshua Epperly, Pain, Loneliness, and Mediteranean Food; 16 Abby Zwart, JiVhen the Time Comes; 34 Benjamin Rietema, The Damn Dishes; Simply Bread; 39 James Li, Charlie; 50 Katie Van Zanen, Volcano Country; 56 Will Montei, Long Breaths
Haiku Contest Top 5
31 Katerina Parsons, Rivulets of rain; 31 Shen Leong, Your constant praising; 31 Jared Haverdink, Exuberant brook; 31 Carrie Field, I said I was lost; 31 Michael VanderMeer, A bottle of wine
Visual Art
18 Teressa Van Dam, Doorways; 19 Tori Haugen, Pride of Saint Chapella; 20 Kerry Aarnoutse, Edmonton; 21 Joanna Bayliss, Scoliosis Study #2; 22 Tanice Mast, The Woods in Mud; 23 Martin Avila, Por Fin; 24 James Li, Procrastination; 25 Tori Haugen, Silence; 26 Kat Stahl, Liebe zum detail- Colors of Kona; 27 Sarah Gabriellse, Giraffe; 28 Sydney Carrick, Freedom; 29 Teressa Van Dam, Cannon
06 Trenton Heille, Dream 176; 07 Alex Westenbroek, Eulogy; 14 Sabrina Lee, Indulgence; Why I'm Not ajazz Musician; 17 Kai Koopman, Higgs; 32 Katie Van Zanen, Yosemite; 33 Sue Yurick, Bottom Drawer Dress; 35 Trenton Heille, Poemfor Paul, 2012; 36 Alex Westenbroek, Photo Album; 37 Mary Snook, All the Wild and Wonderful Things; 38 Allyssa Metzner, In Rare Form; 44 Ae Hee Lee, Sestina: The Tabby Cat;
Fireflies; 47 Richard Martin, A Rope; 48 Katerina Parsons, Like Sheep; 49 Tyler Slamkowski, Cantus Firmus; 51 Sue Yurick, Weeding the Front Garden; 52 Gabe LePage, The Oak Trees; 53 Erica Jensen, After the Exile; 54 Katerina Parsons, Apples; 55 Ryan Hagerman, A Storm Above Sleeping Bear
Professor's Corner
30 Jane Zwart, Outside this window; 30 James Vanden Bosch, Morning Haiku November 2012; 30 Jennifer Holberg, Living in japan; 30 Bill Vande Kopple, Peering through silk mist; 30 Debra Rienstra, Swirling Nebula
Publication Date
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Layout Editor 1
Andrew Fisher
Recommended Citation
Staff and writers of Dialogue, "Dialogue" (2012). Dialogue. 225.