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The Physical Education Complex is located in the North-end of Calvin College’s campus, and supports many athletic, academic, event and recreational functions. Due to its heavy use, the complex contributes 20% of the College’s electricity consumption. Monetarily, this equated to electricity costs of about $385,000 last year. With these financial implications, the College is searching for ways to reduce the cost. While there is little to no room for electricity cost rate reductions, there is opportunity for improvement through the implementation of more efficient components. However, the sources of electricity demand are largely unknown. Our objective is to develop a bottom-up electricity demand model for the PE complex. To create an accurate bottom-up demand model, a list of objectives was determined as follows:

  • Accuracy of demand model within 2% of actual consumption rates
  • Inclusion of all possible sources of demand
  • Inventory of consumption rates (in units of watts)
  • Estimates of service duty of each demand item (in units of time/year)

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