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Calvin University is currently committed to being carbon neutral by 2057. However, by 2057 the earth will see irreversible damage due to global warming. Because of the constant rise in global carbon emissions, President Boer tasked the students of ENGR-333 to find an earlier date for Calvin to become carbon neutral. Carbon net neutrality involves eliminating the emissions associated with heating and electricity. To have the most immediate impact, it was desired to reduce the most carbon as fast as was cost effective. Starting immediately, Calvin would start buying carbon free electricity from Consumer’s Energy, continuing until 2040 when Consumer’s Energy claims to be carbon neutral. This eliminates all emissions associated with electricity consumption. The emission from heating would be eliminated by replacing the natural gas boilers with electric heat pumps starting in 2026. Efficiency projects would be implemented throughout campus to lower energy consumption. Funding for these projects will come from donner campaigns, IRA tax credits, and from various forms of Federal and State funding programs. These initiatives were determined to be the most cost effective and will achieve carbon net neutrality for Calvin University by 2029, 28 years sooner than the previous commitment.

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Zachary Rozendal's name is misspelled as "Zach Rosendall"



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