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A carbon footprint is term which refers to the net amount of greenhouse gases produced to directly or indirectly by human activities and is usually expressed in terms of metric tons of carbon dioxide. The Calvin community places a strong emphasis on practicing good stewardship, including stewardship of Creation. Reducing Calvin’s carbon footprint is crucial because carbon dioxide is a major greenhouse gas and contributes heavily to global climate change. In a previous portion of this project, the carbon footprint of Calvin College was calculated to be about 66,400 MTCE (Metric Tons Carbon dioxide Emitted). The goal of this portion of the project is to propose a plan for Calvin College to reduce these carbon emissions and eventually obtain net-zero carbon balance, becoming carbon neutral. Carbon neutrality can be achieved by matching the amount of carbon released into the environment with the amount of carbon sequestered from the environment. Several possible ways to achieve carbon neutrality are through purchasing carbon offsets, increasing renewable energy use, decreasing energy consumption, and improving carbon sequestration. With the plan presented here, Calvin would become carbon neutral in 11 years and sustain that neutrality for the following 35 years. The plan also calls for the establishment of a green energy fund to continue carbon neutrality for years to come.

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