Download Full Text (4.7 MB)
Download Item 01: “Een Brief van 1847,” “Ik woon in Trouwland,” “Der Geloovigen Troost,” and “Dr. Van Raalte en de Scholen” articles (3.8 MB)
Download Item 02: “Dr. Van Raalte and the Schools” article in “De Wachter,” December 1911 [translation] (1.5 MB)
Download Item 03: “Dr Van Raalte en de Scholen” original article in “De Wachter,” December 1911 [photocopy] (1.7 MB)
Recommended Citation
Van Raalte Collection, "Folder 07: Newspaper Article: "Dr. Van Raalte en de Scholen,” 1911" (2023). Box 02: Personal Papers (COLL300). 7.