Putting Rare Books Within Everyone's Reach: Historical Theology and the Post-Reformation Digital Library


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Over just the past few years digital research tools have made significant changes to the discipline of historical theology, making many more primary sources easily accessible to scholars. Texts that used to be held only by a few libraries are now available in electronic form, but are widely scattered and not easily located on the web. The Post-Reformation Digital Library (PRDL) is a project intended to address the challenges of digital research in the humanities and early modern theology by providing a single-portal access to thousands of digitized rare books. This vast online resource gives scholars immediate access to works by major and minor reformers and theologians from the medieval period through the eighteenth century. The presentation, led by Jordan Ballor and Todd Rester representing Professor Richard Muller's team at Calvin Theological Seminary, explores the origins of PRDL, its present status, and its possible futures in the rapidly-changing world of humanities and theology research in the digital age.

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