Child Slavery in Ghana


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At the age of 6, James Kofi-Annan was sold into slavery for $15. He spent the next 7 years of his life terrified and abused through 17 hour work days on a fishing vessel, enslaved in the jobs that no other man would do. But his story did not end in bondage as Annan escaped from his oppressors at the age of 13. After his liberation, Annan could neither read nor write, but was committed to receiving the basic education he had so long been denied. After pushing himself through an accelerated primary and secondary school education, Annan worked in the private sector for Barclays Bank of Ghana and later founded the antislavery organization, Challenging Heights. Since 2007 this or ganization has worked to release over 200 child slaves, and supports the development of 10,000 at-risk children in Ghana. Annan has been a renowned speaker of TED, CNN and MTV. He is also the recipient of many awards for his unbridled humanitarian work and diligence in ending the assault on human rights that is child slavery.

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