Shaping the Future of Christianity: A Collective Responsibility


Ben Quarshie


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Nagel Institute


Dr. Ben Quarshie, the new leader of the Akrofi-Christaller Institute, a longtime programs partner to Calvin College in Ghana, and a biblical scholar, succeeds the late disti nguished theologian, Kwame Bediako as rector of the Akrofi-Christaller Institute of Theology, Mission and Culture. Dr. Quarshie holds the Ph.D. degree in New Testament studies from Princeton Theological Seminary, and has taught for many years in the relig ious studies faculty of the University of Ghana. His lecture is "Shaping the Future of Christianity: A Collective Responsibility." In it, he emphasizes that the much discussed "future of Christianity" in an age when the faith's hea rtlands have been shifting to the global South is now a shared responsibility. Northern Christians cannot simply hand off responsibility for our faith's future, and Southern Christians cannot assume that they must go it alone. But what does shared respons ibility look like? Dr. Quarshie will offer some perspectives.

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