One Hundred Years in the New World, Christian Reformed Church North America and CRCNA
Bearing the Marks of Jesus: A History of the Christian Reformed Church in Cuba, Eduardo B. Pedraza and Daniel R. Miller
An Outline of the History of the Christian Reformed Church of American, Henry Van der Werp
Vision 21: Informative Review, Stephen Arrick
Challenge Confronting the Concerned Members, Arthur Besteman
Local Church: A Reformed Model, Arthur Besteman
150th Anniversary of the CRC: Two Voices on the Future, Tim Blackmon
Committee for Women in the CRC: Panel Discussion "Headship", Harry Boer, Mildred Yuma, Al Hoksbergen, and Nicholas Wolterstorff
150th Anniversary of the CRC: I was Glad...A Call to Worship; Worship in the CRC: Toward a Sanctifying Set of Questions for Use Back Home, Laura Carpenter, Gordon Pols, Jack Roeda, Rick Williams, and John D. Witvliet
Committee for Women in the CRC: Discussion of Women's Rights, Christian Reformed Church
Committee for Women in the CRC: Do I Belong?, Christian Reformed Church
Committee for Women in the CRC: Women in the Church: What is Our Future?, Sarah Cook
Reformation Day Rally, CRC Classis
125th CRC Anniversary: Panel Discussion, James DeJong, Fred H. Klooster, John R. Sittema, and Tuininga
125th Anniversary Celebration of the CRC, Lester R. DeKoster and Gerard Van Groningen
Conference on Women and Church Office: Partnership in the Gospel 1, Joan Flikkema and Marty Jager
Conference on Women and Church Office: Partnership in the Gospel 2, Joan Flikkema and Marty Jager
Conference on Women and Church Office: Partnership in the Gospel 3, Joan Flikkema and Marty Jager
Committee for Women in the CRC: Women in the Image of God, Morris Greidanus
Necessity of Creation, Robert Grossman
Synodical Committee On Race Relations: Opening Address, Kibun Han
Panel Discussions on CRC Synod, William Haverkamp, Koster, Melvin Hugen, and Henry Stob
Reformed Discipleship, Robert Heerema
Committee for Women in the CRC: Headship Committee Report, Anthony Hoekema and Willis De Boer
Committee for Women in the CRC: Women, Slaves, Children, and Jews, Melvin Hugen
Committee for Women in the CRC: The Contribution of Feminism to Biblical Interpretation, Lynn Jappinga
Committee for Women in the CRC: Reformed Worship, Jerome Julien
The Infallible Rule, Charles Krahe
Synodical Committee On Race Relations: Christian Schools and Evangelism, Floyd Kurley
Committee for Women in the CRC: Women in Ecclesiastical Office, Martin Lamaire
Committee for Women in the CRC: The Church & Her Spiritual Warfare: Science, Aaldert Mennega
Synodical Committee On Race Relations: Publications, Cele Mereness
Committee for Women in the CRC: A Review of Synod, George Monsma Jr., Lillian Grissen, and Phil Quist
150th Anniversary of the CRC: Family, Church and Society in the 21st Century, Bertha Mook
150th Anniversary of the CRC: Assessing the Past - Anticipating the Future, Richard Mouw
Reformed Evangelism, Paul Murphy
150th Anniversary of the CRC: Reformed Faith and the Global Church, Setri Nyomi
Sufficiency of Scripture, John H. Piersma
150th Anniversary of the CRC: From One Generation to Another, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Committee for Women in the CRC: Headship Panel, Amy Plantinga Pauw, Mel Flikkema, and Josephine Fitzpatrick
Committee for Women in the CRC: Power to be One, Jane Plantinga Pauw
150th Anniversary of the CRC: Humor in the Faces of the CRC and What About a Bicentennial?, Mary Jane Pories and James C. Schaap
125th CRC Anniversary: The Perennial Question, An Anniversary Answer, John Primus
Synodical Committee On Race Relations: Cultural Behaviors, Caleb Rosado
What is Christian Education?, Randy Ross, Mark DeYoung, Bruce Smith, Agatha Lubbers, Ken Vander Wood, and Jack Postma
Committee for Women in the CRC: Why I Believe in the Ordination of Women, David Sieplinga, Rae Sieplinga, Vonda Essenberg, and Jim Haveman
Reformed Action for Reformed Church, Raymond J. Sikkema
Committee for Women in the CRC: Difficult Texts, Harvey Smit
125th CRC Anniversary: Debate, Gordon Spykman and Lester R. DeKoster
Synodical Committee On Race Relations: Social Justice, Philip Tom
Committee for Women in the CRC: Results of Survey Regarding Attitudes in CRC Toward Women in Office, Carol Topp and Peter De Jong
Committee for Women in the CRC: The Church & Her Spiritual Warfare: IDEA, Jelle Tuininga
Committee for Women in the CRC: What About Those Sticky Verses?, John Tuinstra
Committee for Women in the CRC: The Full Use of Women's Spiritual Gifts, Alvin Vander Griend
Friday Night Reminiscing, Harry VanderMeer, Leonard J. Hofman, and George F. Vander Weit
Reflections on Synod 1991, Howard Vanderwell
Committee for Women in the CRC: Reflections on the Resolution of the Women as Deacon Issue at 1984 Synod, Sandra VanderZight, Rog Van Harn, and Louis Roossien
Committee for Women in the CRC: The Church, W. Van Dyk
Committee for Women in the CRC: The Word: Spotlight or Prism, Louis A. Vos
Committee for Women in the CRC: How to Use the Bible, Edwin Walhout
Catechism Preaching: Necessity, Jay Wesseling
Synodical Committee On Race Relations: Membership Training, James White
Reformed Education, Mark Zylstra
Why be Concerned, Mark Zylstra
Allendale, MI Second CRC Dedication Service, Christian Reformed Church
Big Rapids, MI Fellowship CRC 10th Anniversary, Christian Reformed Church
Calvary CRC, Christian Reformed Church
First CRC 50th Anniversary, Christian Reformed Church
First CRC Evening Service, Christian Reformed Church
Grand Rapids, MI Eastern Ave. CRC 75th Anniversary, Christian Reformed Church
Grand Rapids, MI. Eastern Avenue CRC 75th Anniversary, Christian Reformed Church
Pella, IA First CRC Psalm Sing, Christian Reformed Church
Christian Reformed Church - Reformed Church of America: Joint Morning Worship Service, Christian Reformed Church and Reformed Church of America
Christian Reformed Church - Reformed Church of America: Joint Worship Service, Christian Reformed Church and Reformed Church of America
Grand Rapids, MI Boston Square CRC 50th Anniversary, Alex DeJong
Denver, CO - First Christian Reformed Church - 75th Anniversary Service, First Christian Reformed Church
New Era, MI CRC Centennial Service, AM, Jacob Hasper and Simon Viss
First Communion given at East Leonard CRC, William Haverkamp
Grand Rapids, MI Eastern Ave. CRC Centennial Service, William Haverkamp
Prayer Service for Synod, Hofman
Calgary, AB First CRC 25th Anniversary, 1 of 3, T.E. Hofman
Calgary, AB First CRC 25th Anniversary, 2 of 3, T.E. Hofman
Calgary, AB First CRC 25th Anniversary, 3 of 3, T.E. Hofman
Grand Rapids, MI Eastern Ave. CRC Centennial Service: Morning Service Communion, Melvin Hugen
Follow The Lamb (Revelation 14:1-5, Exodus 23:20-21) at Eastern Avenue CRC, Richard J. Mouw
Mundy Park Christian Fellowship 25th Anniversary, Mundy Park Christian Fellowship
New Era, MI CRC Centennial Service, PM, Sidney Newhouse and John A. Botting
New Era, MI CRC Centennial Service, AM, Ronald J. Noorman and Jacob C. Weeda
Installation at Calvary CRC in Seattle, Washington, Garrett D. Pars
Grand Rapids, MI Roosevelt Park Community CRC Reminiscences, Herman Steenstra, Herman Leestma, Johan Westra, and Jess Oppewal
Synodical Committee On Race Relations: Worship, Cheryl Stewart
Sermon for 25th Anniversary of Caledonia CRC, Richard Stienstra
Farewell To Plymouth Heights CRC, Wilbert Van Dyk
Vancouver, BC First CRC 70th Anniversary Program, John VanHemert
Romans 14:16-15:19, Jack B. Vos
New Era, MI CRC Centennial Service, PM, Simon Wolfert, George R. Mossel, and Richard J. VandeKieft