
Submissions from 1986

Hope and Healing for the Homosexual, Colin D. Cook

Debate on Women in Church Office, Joan Flikkema and Nelson Kloosterman

Submissions from 1985

The Just Shall Live: Reformational Reflections on Public Justice and Racist Attitudes, Hendrik Hart

Calvinist Influence on Racial Thoughts in America: The Career of Henry Hughes, Herbert Hill

Art and Spirituality: Seeing with Vincent Van Gogh, Donald Postema

Perspectives on Ecumenism, Phillip Sigal

Submissions from 1983

Changing Clothes for Changing Ideals, Patricia Blom

The Christian College, J. Lawrence Burkholder

Quebec: Our Challenge?, Martin Geleynse

Profile of a Defector, Vladislav Krasnov

Black and White: Friend or Enemy?, William Pannell

The Sins of Omission, Ford Rowan

Rembrandt and the Protestant, David Smith

The Death of Infant Doe, Alan Verhey

Middle East Conflict, Antonie Wessels

Submissions from 1982

A Christian Perspective on Big Business, William Diehl

In Defense of the Voucher System, Frank Fortkamp

Habitat for Humanity, Millard Fuller

The New Christian Right: A Politician's Perspective, Paul Henry

Personal Account of Captivity in Iran, Kathryn Koob

Filmmaking: For Love of Creatures and Creator, Bill Mason

New World Quartet, New World Quartet

What has Wheaton To Do With "Jerusalem"?, Mark Noll

The Electric Incarnation, Virginia Stem Owens

Conservative Critique of the Reagan Administration, William Rusher

Submissions from 1981

The Future of the Political Process, John Anderson

Some Thoughts on Suicide, Lewis B. Smedes

Black English: The Politics of Linguistic Diversity, Bernard Van't Hul

Submissions from 1980

Why Christians Ought to be in Prison, Charles Colson

Thawing Out God's Frozen People, Mark Gibbs

Can a Liberal Arts College Survive?, Russell Kirk

The Contexts of Paul's Sticky Wickets, Catherine Clark Koreger

Catholics and Protestants at the Same Table, Peter Kreeft

The American Black Experience: A Journey of Loneliness and Rage, Cathy Meeks

Friendship in a Christian Context, James Olthuis

The Religious Bias of Public Education, Donald Oppewal

The Iranian Revolution: An Assessment, William H. Sullivan

The Shape of the U.S., Jay Van Andel

Submissions from 1977

The Christian's Self-Image, Anthony Hoekema

Submissions from 1975

Genetic Control, Irving Anderson

Christian Woman's Liberation, Letha Scanzoni

Submissions from 1974

Readings, Gwendolyn Brooks

Energy/Environment Crisis, Stuart Udall