Dietrich Bonhoeffer On Lying - Reflections on America


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Described as "contemporary theology’s foremost intellectual provocateur," Stanley Hauerwas, Gilbert T. Rowe Professor of Theological Ethics at the Divinity S chool of Duke University, has been named America’s Best Theologian by Time Magazine. The intent of his work is to show in what way theological convictions make no sense unless they are actually embodied in our lives. Referring to the work of Dietric h Bonhoeffer, who wrote that “it is worse for a liar to tell the truth than for a lover of truth to lie, Hauerwas will reflect on Bonhoeffer’s view of America and truth. This presentation is an attempt to prove that what Christians owe any pol itics in which they find themselves is first and foremost to be a people who want not only to hear the truth but to speak it.

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