
Submissions from 2023


Botanical Assessment of Remnant Floodplain Habitats Along Plaster Creek, Kent County, Michigan: Assessing Changes Since the 1890s, Haley R. Weesies, Garrett Crow, and David Warners


Evaluation and description of nature-based engineering stream restoration through Dutton Shadyside Park, Julie Wildschut, Andrea Lubberts, David P. Warners, and Haley Weesies

Submissions from 2022


Botanical Inventory and Management Consideration for Potential Park at 32 nd Street Property: City of Grand Rapids Parks and Recreation, David Warners, William Hofmann, Hayden Janssen, Martin Vanderschoot, and Garrett Crow

Submissions from 2021


Stomatal Conductance and Reed Canary Grass Suppression of Native Michigan Trees, David E. Martinez Vasquez, Martin L. Vanderschoot, and David Warners


Relative Success of Native Plants in Curb Cut Rain Gardens, Ana Singh, Rachel Warners, Jonathan Walt, Patrick Jonker, and David P. Warners


Indicator species characterization and removal in a detention pond in the Plaster Creek Watershed, Luke VanderMeer, Katherine DeHeer, Joseph Mellinger, Sarah Gibes, Bradley Paasch, Julie Wildschut, William L. Miller, Sheng-Yang He, and Kelly N. DuBois


Botanical Inventory Highlights and Management Considerations for Covenant Park, David Warners, Garrett Crow, and Haley Weesies


Plaster Creek Floodplain and Adjacent Ravines Near Stanaback Park: Botanical Inventory Highlights and Management Considerations, David Warners, Garrett Crow, and Haley Weesies

Submissions from 2020


Overview of Plaster Creek Stewards Transpiration Rate Across Different Species Over 3 Years, Ana Singh and David P. Warners

Submissions from 2019


Bog Flora in the Grand Rapids, Michigan, Area: A Comparative Study Across Sites and Over Time o 1901 to 2017, Devani Antuma Jolman, Jenna L. Van Donselaar, David P. Warners, and Garrett E. Crow


Floristic Quality Assessments of Remnant Natural Areas in the Greater Grand Rapids, Michigan Region: Evaluating Botanical Change Since the 1890s, Alan W. Stockdale, Garrett Crow, and David P. Warners

Submissions from 2017


Plaster Creek Bacterial Monitoring and Source Tracking Project - Final Report, Randall J. DeJong

Submissions from 2015


Plaster Creek Hydrology Study, Julie Wildschut

Submissions from 2014


A Summary of Three Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria Studies of Plaster Creek, YeaEun Lee and David P. Warners


Biological Surveys of Selected Lower Grand River Streams: Ionia, Kent, Muskegon, and Ottawa Counties, Michigan, August-September 2014, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Water Resources Division

Submissions from 2012


BMP Planning to Address Urban Runoff Plaster Creek Watershed SUSTAIN Pilot, Tetra Tech, Inc.

Submissions from 2007


Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Root Colonization and Inoculum Propagules in Deciduos Floodplain Forests of Southwestern Michigan, USA, Peter G. Avis, Sara D. Foster, and Paul D. Olexia

Submissions from 1978


Biological Survey of Plaster Creek, State of Michigan Department of Natural Resources Water Quality Division Biology Section