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The Michigan Botanist


We examined the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi of temperate deciduous floodplain forests in southwest Michigan, USA, and the relationship between soil moisture and AM fungal root colonization and inoculum. In four floodplain forests, AM root colonization was measured for roots collected from soil samples taken along soil moisture, micro-topography and vegetation gradients. An AM fungal inoculum bioassay was also conducted using these samples to measure the amount of infective propagules found across these gradients. Although soil moisture had no significant effect on either AM parameter measured, the effect of forest site was significant in most instances. We also found a significant positive relationship between AM infective propagules and root density. Overall, this study illustrates that AM fungi are distributed throughout these temperate floodplain forests even in the potentially most anoxic, highly saturated low lying portions of the floodplain.

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