Most Recent Additions*
Seeking Shalom through AI
Derek Schuurman
Derek Schuurman on Using Artificial Intelligence in Church
Derek Schuurman
Cyber-Tolkiens? Kuyper-bots?
Derek Schuurman
AI&Faith Interview with Derek Schuurman
Derek Schuurman
ChatGPT and the rise of AI
Derek Schuurman
Faith and Engineering
Derek Schuurman
A conversation on computer science and faith
Derek Schuurman
The Challenge of Transhumanism
Derek Schuurman
Discerning a Christian Response to AI
Derek Schuurman
Artificial Intelligence: Discerning a Christian Response
Derek Schuurman
A radio interview on "Karl and June"
Derek Schuurman
Technology: neither saviour nor villian
Derek Schuurman
Talking with Tolkien
Derek Schuurman
The Ride Home
Derek Schuurman
Shaping A Digital World Pt 1
Derek Schuurman
Shaping A Digital World Pt 2
Derek Schuurman
Will There be Computers in Heaven?
Derek Schuurman
Engineering, Design and the Christian Faith
Derek Schuurman
*Updated as of 12/21/24.