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1 - “What’s Happening in Missions? Changes Underway” - Roger S. Greenway
3 - “World Missions” - Henry Zwaanstra
4 - “Magaji Meets Jesus: The Rocky Road to Conversion for a Follower of
African Traditional Religion” - Albert Strydhorst
6 - “The Fiesta in the Philippines” - Anne C. Kwantes
8 - “God’s Love: The Compelling Force of Christian Missions.” - Carl Bosma
Publication Date
Calvin Theological Seminary
Grand Rapids, MI
Biblical Studies | Christianity | History of Christianity | Liturgy and Worship | Missions and World Christianity | Practical Theology | Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion
Recommended Citation
Greenway, Roger S.; Zwaanstra, Henry; Strydhorst, Albert; and Kwantes, Anne C., "Calvin Seminary Forum: January 2000" (2000). Calvin Seminary Forum (1994-2001). 7.

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Biblical Studies Commons, Christianity Commons, History of Christianity Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, Missions and World Christianity Commons, Practical Theology Commons, Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion Commons