For over 35 years, the Calvin Symposium on Worship has annually gathered together worshipers from many Christian traditions across Canada, the US, and beyond, bringing together people from a variety of roles in worship and leadership, including pastors, worship planners and leaders, musicians, scholars, students, worship bands and teams, organists, visual artists, preachers, chaplains, missionaries, liturgists, council and session leaders, and more. Cosponsored by the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and the Center for Excellence in Preaching at Calvin University and Calvin Theological Seminary, the Symposium aims to encourage leaders in churches and worshiping communities of all sizes and settings.
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Calvin Symposium on Worship Planning Committee A mailer for the third Annual Symposium on Worship, which includes a full event schedule, biographies of primary presenters, and a registration form. |
Calvin Symposium on Worship Planning Committee, Calvin Symposium on Worship Committee A handout for the hymn festival associated with the third Annual Symposium on Worship, with lyrics for the worship songs sung during it, including "Prince of Peace," "Control my Will," "He Understands; He'll Say, 'Well Done'," and "Send Me, Jesus (Thuma Mina)." |
O God, Our Help in Ages Past: A Festival of Hymns for Epiphany Calvin Symposium on Worship Planning Committee Program for a hymn festival for the first week of Epiphany–the season of the Church Year in which we celebrate Christ's manifestation to the entire world. But the incarnation of Christ is only one of several manifestations of God to us, and this services proclaims the epiphanies of our God throughout all of redemptive history, as described in the book of Isaiah. For our God is a God of time, our help in all ages. |
Calvin Symposium on Worship Planning Committee Program, with schedule and bios of presenters, for the third Annual Symposium on Worship. |
Calvin Symposium on Worship Planning Committee The handout for the concluding service of the Third Calvin College Symposium on Worship and Church Music, focused on Isaiah 60:1-6, Ephesians 3:1-4, Psalm 72, and Matthew 2:1-12. |