For over 35 years, the Calvin Symposium on Worship has annually gathered together worshipers from many Christian traditions across Canada, the US, and beyond, bringing together people from a variety of roles in worship and leadership, including pastors, worship planners and leaders, musicians, scholars, students, worship bands and teams, organists, visual artists, preachers, chaplains, missionaries, liturgists, council and session leaders, and more. Cosponsored by the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and the Center for Excellence in Preaching at Calvin University and Calvin Theological Seminary, the Symposium aims to encourage leaders in churches and worshiping communities of all sizes and settings. In 2020, Services of the Word focused on the book of 1 Peter and the theme of “Living in Hope and Grace.”
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Friday, January 8th | ||
12:00 AM |
A Service of Evening Prayer in the Manner of the Community of Taizé Calvin Institute of Christian Worship 12:00 AM Outline for a Taize service at the 12th Calvin Symposium on worship, focused on the theme: "Be reconciled all you who enter here- parents and children; husbands and wives; believes and those who cannot believe; Christians and their fellow Christians." |
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Brochure - The Twelfth Calvin Symposium on Worship and the Arts Calvin Institute of Christian Worship 12:00 AM A mailer for the 12th Symposium on Worship, including a list of events and leaders and a registration form. |
12:00 AM |
Handout: Helping People Sing Their Hearts Out: A Musical Sampler John Witvliet, South Bend Christian Reformed Church 12:00 AM Handout from a session at the 12th Calvin Symposium on Worship, which introduced several hymns on the themes of Praise, Penitence, Proclamation, Faith, and Prayer. |
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Newspaper Ad - The Twelfth Calvin Symposium on Worship and the Arts Calvin Institute of Christian Worship 12:00 AM A newspaper advertisement for the 12th Calvin Symposium on Worship. |
12:00 AM |
Posters - The Twelfth Symposium on Worship and the Arts Calvin Institute of Christian Worship 12:00 AM On campus flyers advertising the Twelfth Symposium on Worship and the Arts, and the Art In Worship Exhibit, which attempts to enlarge the vision of the worshiping community of Christ, to stimulate arts created to enhance the worship experience, and to provide resources for future enrichment of our congregational spaces. |
12:00 AM |
Program - The Twelfth Calvin Symposium on Worship and the Arts Calvin Institute of Christian Worship 12:00 AM The Calvin Symposium on worship and the Arts aims to bring together worship leaders and planners, pastors and youth leaders, artists and musicians from many church traditions to engage in worship, fellowship, learning, and discussion around preaching, drama, organ and choral music, worship, visual art, and congregational song. The conference program is both ecumenical and Reformed, both principled and practical, both appreciative of a heritage and open to contemporary expression. |
12:00 AM |
Save the Date Card - Calvin Symposium on Worship and the Arts Calvin Institute of Christian Worship 12:00 AM A mailer for the 12th Symposium on Worship including contact information for the Symposium and featured presenters. |
12:00 AM |
Calvin Symposium on Worship 12:00 AM Outlines for two worship services led by Michael Hawn at the 12th Calvin Symposium on Worship, featuring global hymns from around the world. |
Saturday, January 9th | ||
12:00 AM |
A Festival of Global Congregational Song Based on the Lord's Prayer Calvin Institute of Christian Worship 12:00 AM This hymn festival focused on multilingual and global worship, including the Lord's Prayer in Spanish, Nkosi, Nkosi from South Africa, Kyrie Eleison from Ghana, Halelua! Pelo Tso Rona from South Africa, Khudaya, rahem kar from Pakistan, a greeting of peace in an Asian Manner, and prayers from Ghana, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, Peru, and Mexico. |
12:00 AM |
Handout - Plenary: Theological Perspectives on Recent Hymns Cornelius Plantinga Jr., Calvin College 12:00 AM This plenary session examined recent hymns in 12 different categories: Knowledge of an Incomprehensible God, Creation, Wisdom, Sin and Grace, The Suffering God, Jesus Christ, The Holy Trinity, Praise and Worship, Dignifying the Common Life, Social Justice, The Church, and Global Awareness. |
12:00 AM |
Calvin Institute of Christian Worship 12:00 AM A worship service at the 12th Calvin Symposium on Worship focused on Renewing Our Baptism, including Psalm 95, Exodus 17:1-7, and Hebrew 4:1-11. |