For over 35 years, the Calvin Symposium on Worship has annually gathered together worshipers from many Christian traditions across Canada, the US, and beyond, bringing together people from a variety of roles in worship and leadership, including pastors, worship planners and leaders, musicians, scholars, students, worship bands and teams, organists, visual artists, preachers, chaplains, missionaries, liturgists, council and session leaders, and more. Cosponsored by the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and the Center for Excellence in Preaching at Calvin University and Calvin Theological Seminary, the Symposium aims to encourage leaders in churches and worshiping communities of all sizes and settings.

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Thursday, January 13th
12:00 AM


Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

12:00 AM

A save-the-date postcard for the 2000 Calvin Sympsoium on Worship.

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Poster - Master Piano Class for Middle School and High School Students

Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

12:00 AM

A poster advertising a Piano Class for middle and high school students with Mark Hayes.

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Program Book

Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

12:00 AM

Program book for the 2000 Calvin Symposium on Worship, including a schedule, event descriptions, and presenter bios.

Friday, January 14th
12:00 AM

Brochure - Calvin Symposium on Worship and the Arts

Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

12:00 AM

A mailer for the 2000 Calvin Symposium on Worship, including a schedule, presenter information, and a registration form.

12:00 AM

Dancing the Story of Ruth

Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
Anna Douthwright, Celebration Dance Guild
Agnes Kramer-Hamstra

12:00 AM

Program and description for a service at the 2000 Calvin Symposium on Worship titled "Dancing the Story of Ruth."

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Evening Prayer

Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

12:00 AM

Evening prayer is a quiet service of light, psalms, scripture reading, and intercessory prayer. The service is centered around scripture-shaped, reflective meditation. Its quiet tone and focus on Christ-centered, everlasting peace is decidedly counter-cultural. This is spiritual refreshment for those who are spiritually thirsty.

This service can be celebrated either formally or informally, very simply or with greater complexity. The genius of the service lies in its simple, yet balanced structure: (1) gathering in Jesus' name, (2) Psalms, (3) scripture, and (4) prayer.

Saturday, January 15th
12:00 AM

Proclaim Jubilee! A Festival of Congregational Song

Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

12:00 AM

Program for the closing worship service of the 2000 Calvin Symposium on Worship, a hymn festival on the theme of Jubilee.

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Saturday Morning Worship

Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

12:00 AM

A morning prayer service at the 2000 Calvin Symposium on Worship based on Acts 7:56: "I see the heavens open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!

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Table Top Ads

Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

12:00 AM

Table top ads for the 2000 Calvin Symposium on Worship, and a Wedding Planning Special set of two workshops.