Session Description

A handout accompanying a service service of confession based on Psalm 130.

Our four plenary services this year are based on Psalms, each reflecting a different dimension of prayer. Each service is stylistically quite distinct, yet each includes many common elements. Though many participants may be prompted to prepare a series of services, sermons, or worship committee devotions based on these four services, our primary goal is not to offer model services for analysis or replication. Rather, we pray that these services will be a source of biblically grounded encouragement, challenge, nourishment, and refreshment for all who participate during our time together. We are mindful of the rare opportunity for preachers, musicians, artists, and worship leaders to participate in worship without the responsibility of leading. To that end, we pray that the services will be "transparent." We pray that our attention will be drawn through what we do to the beauty of the triune God. We would be thrilled if afterward we'd find ourselves forgetting to talk about the details of what we've done because of eagerness to savor the beauty of God's being, character and redemptive work.

Conference Title

2005 Calvin Symposium on Worship

Event Date


Event Type

Worship Service/Concert

Type (recording/text)


Service Type

Vesper/Prayer Service

Subject Area



Worship Planning


Psalm 130, confession

Upload Date

28-1-2005 12:00 AM


Jan 28th, 12:00 AM

Service of Confession

A handout accompanying a service service of confession based on Psalm 130.

Our four plenary services this year are based on Psalms, each reflecting a different dimension of prayer. Each service is stylistically quite distinct, yet each includes many common elements. Though many participants may be prompted to prepare a series of services, sermons, or worship committee devotions based on these four services, our primary goal is not to offer model services for analysis or replication. Rather, we pray that these services will be a source of biblically grounded encouragement, challenge, nourishment, and refreshment for all who participate during our time together. We are mindful of the rare opportunity for preachers, musicians, artists, and worship leaders to participate in worship without the responsibility of leading. To that end, we pray that the services will be "transparent." We pray that our attention will be drawn through what we do to the beauty of the triune God. We would be thrilled if afterward we'd find ourselves forgetting to talk about the details of what we've done because of eagerness to savor the beauty of God's being, character and redemptive work.


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