Event Participant(s)

Ellen Davis, Duke Divinity School


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Session Description

This session took the Psalms as a case study for considering what it means for the preacher, first, and then the congregation, to be astonished by the biblical text. How might this ancient poetry be surprising, and therefore revelatory, to those who hear it in our contemporary contexts? What sort of preparation is necessary for the preacher who wishes to engage the Psalms as poetry?

Conference Title

2007 Calvin Symposium on Worship

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30-1-2007 12:00 AM


Jan 30th, 12:00 AM

The Poetry of Astonishment: Preaching the Psalms

This session took the Psalms as a case study for considering what it means for the preacher, first, and then the congregation, to be astonished by the biblical text. How might this ancient poetry be surprising, and therefore revelatory, to those who hear it in our contemporary contexts? What sort of preparation is necessary for the preacher who wishes to engage the Psalms as poetry?