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Session Description

What should preachers keep in mind in composing sermons? Toward what sermonic goals should they aspire? What evaluative categories can church members become aware of to dialogue more meaningfully with their pastors (and with one another) about the preaching life of the church? This session will hold up the rubrics "Biblical, Authentic, Contextual, and Life-Changing" as goals for preachers and as helpful categories for congregations to use in discussing sermons. When pastors and church members come to a common understanding of what preaching should be, possibilities for helpful conversations begin across the life of the congregation, to the mutual benefit of all!

Conference Title

2007 Calvin Symposium on Worship

Event Date


Event Type


Type (recording/text)


Subject Area





preaching, evaluation

Upload Date

26-1-2007 12:00 AM


Jan 26th, 12:00 AM

What is Excellence in Preaching

What should preachers keep in mind in composing sermons? Toward what sermonic goals should they aspire? What evaluative categories can church members become aware of to dialogue more meaningfully with their pastors (and with one another) about the preaching life of the church? This session will hold up the rubrics "Biblical, Authentic, Contextual, and Life-Changing" as goals for preachers and as helpful categories for congregations to use in discussing sermons. When pastors and church members come to a common understanding of what preaching should be, possibilities for helpful conversations begin across the life of the congregation, to the mutual benefit of all!