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Session Description

Many of us here have ministries that touch on suffering. We hope to learn from one another in this workshop. I expect for us to engage one another in looking at some of the suffering situations there are, both on the personal level, but also at the community and national level. We will be looking at the relationship between that and worship, and how we can be inspired to be God's instruments in such situations of suffering.

Conference Title

2009 Calvin Symposium on Worship

Event Date


Event Type


Type (recording/text)


Subject Area



Pastoral Care


suffering, justice, worship



Worship, Suffering, and Justice

Many of us here have ministries that touch on suffering. We hope to learn from one another in this workshop. I expect for us to engage one another in looking at some of the suffering situations there are, both on the personal level, but also at the community and national level. We will be looking at the relationship between that and worship, and how we can be inspired to be God's instruments in such situations of suffering.