C.S. Lewis once said that taken together, the sum total of any person’s prayer life would amount to that person’s autobiography. If any of us could listen to all of the prayers of a given person, we would learn a tremendous amount about that person. We would come to know what brings her joy, what brings her sorrow. We would understand where her anxieties in life are located and just what it is that brings her the most shame and guilt. Our prayer lives represent our autobiography, our story, our character, our inmost being. That is why the Book of Psalms has been the prayer book of God’s people for millennia. Across the sweep of these ancient Hebrew poems we can see reflected most every season of human life: joy and sorrow, thanksgiving and repentance, praise and lament. No matter where a person may be at any given moment of life, there is a psalm to give voice to that moment. The people of God recite and sing the psalms not only because of their lyric beauty and poetry but because they ring true. They reflect real life. What’s more, they remind us that there is no part of life that cannot be brought to speech before our loving, understanding, and compassionate God.
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Jazz Vespers: Playing in Tongues Gillian Grannum A Jazz Vesper/Prayer Service led by Gillian Grannum |
Psalm 1 - Jesus Knows the Way of the Righteous Mary Hulst, Calvin University A worship service based on Psalm 1 - Jesus Knows the Way of the Righteous, with Pastor Mary Hulst preaching. This service is modeled after the Sunday evening student-led worship service at Calvin College called LOFT (Living Our Faith Together). LOFT services follow the movements of praise, confession and assurance, intercession, listening to God’s Word, and responding with acts of dedication and faith. The pattern is consistent from week to week but is often experienced as a time of free-flowing worship that makes use of visual art, dramatic readings, dance, prayer, and music from a variety of sources and in multiple styles. One significant aspect of worship at LOFT is a creative and often tangible response to the reading and preaching of Scripture. |
Psalm 103 - Abounding in Steadfast Love Thomas Long, Friends of the Groom A Service of Word and Table based on Psalm 103 with Thomas Long preaching. |
Psalm 113 - Exalted Over All the Nations Anne Zaki, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship A worship service based on Psalm 113 - Exalted over all the nations, with Anne Zaki preaching. |
Frank Thomas, Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church A worship service based on Psalm 13 - How Long? with Frank Thomas preaching. |
Psalm 8 - Who Are You? Who Are We? Mark Labberton A worship service based on Psalm 8 - Who are you? Who are we? with Mark Labberton preaching. |
Psalms for All Seasons: A Festival of Singing Martin Tel, Princeton Theological Seminary An evening celebrating the release of this major collection that holds promise to bring the psalms into the heart of worship. Together we will explore the full spectrum of singing the psalms crossing boundaries of time and tradition. This festival is free and open to the public. |
Taize Vespers: A Journey of Praise and Prayer Philip Chan Taizé Vesper/Prayer Service led by Philip Chan and Yvette Lau |
The Lord is My Shepherd: A Celebration of Psalm 23 John Bell Vesper/Prayer Service based on Psalm 23 led by John Bell |
Psalm Project A free concert at the Calvin Chapel, this prelude to the 2012 Calvin Symposium on Worship featured The Psalm Project, a group of musicians from the Netherlands who have taken Genevan Psalm tunes from the 1500s and updated them with arrangements for piano, guitar, and strings. |
Vesper: A Celebration of the Light of Christ Friends of the Groom A Vesper/Prayer Service led by the theater company Friends of the Groom |