Session Description
One of the joys of serving at the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and Christian Reformed Church Home Missions is the opportunity to listen to so many different local conversations. This session will offer reflections on topics that are bubbling up in a host of local conversations across North America, along with provisional thoughts about what this means for the future of faithful ministry. Come ready to reflect on your context in light of these broader patterns, and to contribute insights from your own joys and struggles in ministry.
Conference Title
2014 Calvin Symposium on Worship
Event Date
Event Type
Type (recording/text)
Subject Area
Contemporary Worship
Recommended Citation
Chung, Moses and Witvliet, John, "Questions Churches are Asking" (2014). Symposium on Worship Archive. 23.
Included in
Questions Churches are Asking
One of the joys of serving at the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and Christian Reformed Church Home Missions is the opportunity to listen to so many different local conversations. This session will offer reflections on topics that are bubbling up in a host of local conversations across North America, along with provisional thoughts about what this means for the future of faithful ministry. Come ready to reflect on your context in light of these broader patterns, and to contribute insights from your own joys and struggles in ministry.