Session Description
Come to this workshop to learn about a grants program that seeks to foster vital worship in congregations, parishes, and other worshiping communities in North America. The Calvin Institute of Christian Worship encourages grant proposals for year-long projects from a variety of worshiping communities that connect public worship to intergenerational faith formation and Christian discipleship, a theme that can unfold in many facets of worship from Bible reading to preaching to baptism and Lord’s Supper, intercessory prayer, congregational song, visual arts, and more.
Conference Title
2014 Calvin Symposium on Worship
Event Date
Event Type
Type (recording/text)
Subject Area
Worship Planning
Recommended Citation
Smith, Kathy and Weaver, Lisa, "Vital Worship: A Grants Program for Worshipping Communities" (2014). Symposium on Worship Archive. 25.
Included in
Vital Worship: A Grants Program for Worshipping Communities
Come to this workshop to learn about a grants program that seeks to foster vital worship in congregations, parishes, and other worshiping communities in North America. The Calvin Institute of Christian Worship encourages grant proposals for year-long projects from a variety of worshiping communities that connect public worship to intergenerational faith formation and Christian discipleship, a theme that can unfold in many facets of worship from Bible reading to preaching to baptism and Lord’s Supper, intercessory prayer, congregational song, visual arts, and more.