Session Description
What a remarkable event baptism is: at once a sign of our being washed clean, a sign of rebirth, and a sign of our dying and rising with Jesus. How can we celebrate baptisms in ways that convey this grace, this depth, and this mystery? How can we best mentor, teach, and encourage those who are baptized, whether as adults or children? Come to learn from a student of worship who has learned from Baptists, Presbyterians, and Roman Catholic communities, and whose research is unpacking the power of early church baptismal practices.
Conference Title
2016 Calvin Symposium on Worship
Event Date
Event Type
Type (recording/text)
Rebirth, Celebration, Mystery
Recommended Citation
Weaver, Lisa, "The Doorway to a New World: The Gracious Power of Baptism in the Christian Life" (2016). Symposium on Worship Archive. 36.
Included in
The Doorway to a New World: The Gracious Power of Baptism in the Christian Life
What a remarkable event baptism is: at once a sign of our being washed clean, a sign of rebirth, and a sign of our dying and rising with Jesus. How can we celebrate baptisms in ways that convey this grace, this depth, and this mystery? How can we best mentor, teach, and encourage those who are baptized, whether as adults or children? Come to learn from a student of worship who has learned from Baptists, Presbyterians, and Roman Catholic communities, and whose research is unpacking the power of early church baptismal practices.