Session Description
The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is at the center of Christian faith, life, and worship. Every Good Friday and Easters, Christians from all over the world gather in remarkably different contexts to tell this story—and sing about what it means for us and the world God loves. During this session, panelists will be asked to choose two songs from their ministry context which unpack the significant of Jesus’ death and resurrection—songs which are deeply loved and that poignantly express the meaning of these events. Come to discover some new songs that you will want to sing, to glimpse the beauty of Christ’s church in variety of ministry contexts, and to see again the power and beauty of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Conference Title
2016 Calvin Symposium on Worship
Event Date
Event Type
Type (recording/text)
Subject Area
Liturgical Music
Resurrection, Ministry Context, Song Selection
Recommended Citation
Batastini, Robert J.; Laoyan-Mosomos, Judith; Lim, Swee Hong; Price, Emmet G. III; Wise, Raymond PhD; and Witvliet, John D., "Heartsongs for Good Friday and Easter: Insights and Inspiration from Worshiping Communities Across North American and Around the World" (2016). Symposium on Worship Archive. 38.
Included in
Heartsongs for Good Friday and Easter: Insights and Inspiration from Worshiping Communities Across North American and Around the World
The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is at the center of Christian faith, life, and worship. Every Good Friday and Easters, Christians from all over the world gather in remarkably different contexts to tell this story—and sing about what it means for us and the world God loves. During this session, panelists will be asked to choose two songs from their ministry context which unpack the significant of Jesus’ death and resurrection—songs which are deeply loved and that poignantly express the meaning of these events. Come to discover some new songs that you will want to sing, to glimpse the beauty of Christ’s church in variety of ministry contexts, and to see again the power and beauty of the gospel of Jesus Christ.