Worship and Citizenship in an Age of Divisive Politics
Session Description
One of our callings as Christians is to live as resourceful and redemptive citizens of the countries in which we live—a vexing challenge in an age of political division in so many countries around the world represented at the Symposium. How should preaching, public prayer, and other aspects of worship relate to this? How can music and other artworks contribute to sanctifying and redemptive approaches? How does worship form us for faithful citizenship without becoming politicized? What might this look like not only in the United States and Canada, but also in Cairo and Singapore?
Conference Title
2016 Calvin Symposium on Worship
Event Date
Event Type
Type (recording/text)
Subject Area
Contemporary Worship
Recommended Citation
"Worship and Citizenship in an Age of Divisive Politics" (2016). Symposium on Worship Archive. 1.
Worship and Citizenship in an Age of Divisive Politics
One of our callings as Christians is to live as resourceful and redemptive citizens of the countries in which we live—a vexing challenge in an age of political division in so many countries around the world represented at the Symposium. How should preaching, public prayer, and other aspects of worship relate to this? How can music and other artworks contribute to sanctifying and redemptive approaches? How does worship form us for faithful citizenship without becoming politicized? What might this look like not only in the United States and Canada, but also in Cairo and Singapore?